An essential part of communication and strengthening your
interaction skills is understanding body language. Understanding “Non-Verbal Communication” is
critical in not only recognizing, appreciating, learning and gaining
perspective into another person’s feelings and thoughts – but also in knowing
how you yourself are being perceived!
Body language refers to the nonverbal signals that we use
to communicate. These nonverbal signals
are a large part of our daily communications and interactions with others. From our facial expressions to our body
movements, the things we don’t say are incredibly important and can convey
volumes of information!
Body language and
non-verbal communication is thought to account for between 50-70% of all
Body language is relevant to all types of interactions –
management, leadership, all aspects of work and business… in addition to
personal, family, parental relationships and bonds.
Communication includes listening and observing… a special
type of witnessing, studying and perceiving of observable body language,
messages, non-verbal signals.
Body language can go both ways…
Your own body language reveals your feelings and meanings
to others! Do you know what messages you’re sending to others?
Other people’s body language reveals their feelings and
meanings to you!
Be aware of the messages you’re sending out…and getting
And remember...those body signals happen on conscious and
unconscious levels!
Always keep in mind that body language is not an exact
science and no single body language sign is a reliable indicator.
Understanding body language involves the interpretation
of several consistent signals to support a particular conclusion…so don’t be
too quick to jump to an assumption!
When you understand the importance of body language – you
have a gift that will give you a significant advantage in life – professionally
and personally!
Body Language is a powerful concept that successful
people tend to understand very well.
Make it work for you…with HorsePower!
For more information on Body Language and other communication topics, contact me at
For more information on Body Language and other communication topics, contact me at
This is great! I totally agree with you about how this formulates first impressions. I know when I was doing a lot of recruiting I could "read" a lot about a person from the way that they presented themselves.