Monday, September 23, 2013

Self-Motivation Skills and Secrets…with HorsePower! Self-Motivating Tips to Achieve Your Vision!

You are the captain of your ship!
You control the reins for your success!
You have the vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve!

Here are some tips and strategies that will help you actualize your vision, goals and tremendous, untapped potential!

Control the Reins!
·       Start simple.  Keep motivators around you – people and things that will give you that initial spark and support to get you going and keep the momentum up! Surround yourself with positive and motivated people – those that will support you and your vision!

·       Be willing to leave your comfort zone.   Your comfort zone is your worst enemy and greatest barrier to your achieving success!  Great things will happen when you make friends with your “discomfort zone”…make it your new normal!

·       Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  Wisdom comes from making millions of mistakes!

·       Change is going to happen! Be prepared to sacrifice who you are for who you are capable of becoming!

·       Only think empowering, expansive, “ridiculously amazing” thoughts! Never indulge in self-limiting thinking. It’s not for you!

·       Keep learning!  Read, listen to inspiring tapes and take in everything you can! The more you learn…the more confident you become!  Spend at least one hour a day in self-development!

·       Train yourself to finish what you start.  Don’t let yourself become scattered when trying to accomplish a task. Finish one task before you begin another.

·       Never quit!  When you experience a setback or frustration – plow through it!  Success could be just around the corner!

·       Stay positive.  See the good in the bad.  When encountering obstacles, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them.  That way, no matter what happens, you’ll always come out on top!

·       Sometimes, you just have to stop thinking!  Just do.  Just get going…and you’ll develop the momentum you’ll need.  Its like “muscle memory” for the brain.  It will kick in!  Just do it! (Thanks Nike!)

·       Know yourself!  Keep notes and think back when your motivation sucked and when you’ve felt like a superstar!  You’ll see a pattern that, once you are aware of it, you can work around and develop.

·       Be your own best coach!  Keep track of your progress!  When you see yourself growing – nurture you!

·       Live fully in the present moment.  When you live in the past or the future you can’t make things happen in the present! The real tragedy in life is not how much we suffer… but rather in how much we miss….so don’t miss a thing!

·       Dare to dream big dreams! 

What’s going to happen here is you will gradually develop certain skills that will become motivational habits! The cycle and momentum (HorsePower!) will continue, and you’ll be an incredibly self-motivated person who will consistently achieve your vision and goals! 

Remember, your potential is awesome!

Ride every stride…with HorsePower!


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Self-Motivation Skills and Secrets…with HorsePower! The Three Foundations

Back in high school, I’ll never forget a teacher I had who started the school year with the statement: “It’s not my job to entertain you or motivate you. It’s my job to teach you and it’s up to you to learn and get as much out of this class as you want.”  At the time, I thought that was a little insensitive and harsh…but she was right.  It was the student’s responsibility to listen, learn and apply what she was teaching…and I’ve always remembered that life lesson and have related to it in different ways.

Bottom line…no one can motivate anyone to do anything! All a person can do for another is provide them with ideas, incentives and insights to motivate themselves.  Actually the best motivation is self-motivation!  No one succeeds in life without self-generated drive!  If you rely on others to energize you, or hesitate until the mood is right, or delay until circumstances are ideal, you’re going to spend most of your life waiting!  Truly successful people motivate themselves internally rather than depend on external incentives! 

The Three basics to start the foundation for self-motivation are:

Refine your vision

A vision is a picture of the future that excites and energizes your mind, will and emotions to do everything in your power to achieve it. It’s what gets you excited! It’s what gives you the momentum to get up in the morning! It leads you and provides the spark that propels you!  Vision activates your sense of purpose and gives your life meaning!  The clearer your vision the more motivated you’ll be!

Take 100% responsibility for yourself, your future…and your vision!

That high school teacher taught me that I was responsible and accountable…for myself!  Other people’s
expectations can dissuade us from living out our purpose in life.  If you always try to please others instead of following your own dreams – you’ll burnout.  Remember, someone else’s opinion of you does not have to become your reality!
Protect your vision and stay focused! Keep in mind that negative emotions can also serve as strong de-motivators.  Don’t let your emotions dictate what you do and how you react! A strong component of Emotional Intelligence is taking the steps you know are right – even when your emotions are “running-amok”!
Become your own best friend and manage yourself to fulfill your vision!

Have a plan and chart your course to achievement!

A lack of direction will lead to either paralysis or a lot of wasted energy…which will undercut your motivation and the achievement of your vision!
Successful people will research their plans so they stay on course!  Develop your long term and short term goals – to achieve your vision and guide your day-to-day activities.  You’ll have your strong plan…and your self-motivation skills will only get stronger as you move towards your goals and achieve that vision!

Ride every stride…with HorsePower!