Monday, December 16, 2013

Communicating with Social Media

“Communicating with HorsePower” Programs are all about Communication … Communicating to Influence and Inspire…and so is Social Media!

Social Media is an instrument to share, converse and interconnect. It’s a collaborative conversation and platform where we can connect and talk with each other. It’s part of the exciting evolution of work and communication!

I find social media a great vehicle to listen to my customers, understand their needs, trends and objectives – then provide them even more beneficial HorsePower Programs!

Follow HorsePower on our social media platforms BELOW…or better yet…call me and let’s talk about what you need to make 2014 ridiculously amazing!

Ride Every Stride…with HorsePower!


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Making Thanksgiving a Holiday to Remember…and Continue to Express Gratitude Every Day!

Imagine a life where people did not bother to say thank you or express gratitude.  Imagine an environment devoid of benevolence, kindness and humility. That life would be very sad!

Thanksgiving is not a time to have a binge fest and it’s not the time to get a head start on Christmas shopping.
That comes the next day!

The underlying philosophy behind Thanksgiving is to offer thanks. Thanksgiving is integral to our American culture.   Many years ago, the Pilgrims of Plymouth said a prayer of thanks for the bountiful gifts bestowed upon them.  They shared their food with the natives of the land, who had helped them in difficult times and this tradition of sharing the Thanksgiving meal continues even today.  Most of us are all so fortunate and blessed with abundant food and loving families.  Many people are not that lucky and Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to appreciate everything around us and express gratitude, honor the Thanksgiving tradition and share our gifts with family and friends – even those less fortunate than us.

On Thanksgiving – spread the message of gratitude and kindness.  Inspire those around you to make Thanksgiving a festival of generosity and love.  Change people forever with kindness, positive reinforcement, appreciation and gratitude!

For my family, friends, associates and customers – thank you for being in my life!  I appreciate you and I’m continually inspired by you!
Happy Thanksgiving!


Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul.
Henry Ward Beecher

Got no check books, got no banks. Still I’d like to express my thanks – I got the sun in the morning and the moon at night!
Irving Berlin

Let us remember that, as much has been given us, much will be expected from us, and that true homage comes from the heart as well as from the lips, and shows itself in deeds.
Theodore Roosevelt

On Thanksgiving Day we acknowledge our dependence
William Jennings Bryan

Monday, October 21, 2013

Self-Motivation Skills and Secrets…with HorsePower! Self-Motivating Tips to Live Life to the Fullest!

My motto today?  Make Today Ridiculously Amazing!

Let’s face it – life’s short and you only live once! Make it worthwhile…and never take even one day for granted!

Mark Twain said: “The fear of death follows from the fear of life.  A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time!”

It’s easy to look at people who are happy, successful and having fun and assume that they have never had any pain or difficulties in their life.  Wrong.  I have found that the more you have lived, the more you realize that happiness takes work!  People who smile in public have been through every bit as much as people who cry, frown, scream and make others miserable.  They just have the courage and strength to smile through it anyway.  They keep a positive attitude and they are self-motivated to live life to the fullest and accomplish their dreams!

So how do you ensure you’re living life to the fullest?

Think about these self-motivation tips:

Decide what’s really important to you.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  Everyone has their own attitudes, ideas and opinions – but at the end of the day – it’s up to you.  You’re going to be the only person around for the rest of your life! Do what truly makes you happy.  Everything else will fall into place.

Take risks…lots of them!  Every reward carries risk with it.  If you never take risks, you’ll never get anywhere in life.  When people look back on their lives, they regret the chances they didn’t take more than the ones they did. Twenty years from now you’ll be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do!  Always continue to Explore, Dream and Discover!

Tell people you love them and how much they mean to you.  Family and friends will always appreciate hearing you love them.  It brightens a stranger’s day! If you have a romance – go for it!  Let people know that they matter, that you appreciate them and that they are special to you!  Remember to compliment others and go out of your way to say thanks and show appreciation.  It costs nothing and has such a powerful affect!

Live in the present.  Your past is important to learn from.  Your future is important to work towards.  At the end of the day, though, the only thing that exists outside your head and you can have an impact on is the present!  Think about your past and future…but concentrate and focus on the present!

Ignore the haters.  No matter what you decide to do with your life, there will always be someone around to point out the many ways you’ll fail.  Know that every winner loses, but not every loser wins.  Successful people don’t start out successful…what makes them successful is that they keep pushing through failure! They don’t give up…they live with HorsePower…they work consistently over time with sustained effort, focus and steadiness…and they don’t have time in their lives or future for negative people!

Never compromise your values.  If something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it.  Don’t compromise on your internal code of ethics.  Life is never black and white – it’s filled with gray areas.  Trust your instincts.  Do whatever you want so long as you can look yourself in the mirror and be proud of what you see! Remember the values of authenticity, integrity and trust.  These values are key elements in the HorsePower programs – and are critical in solid leadership – both personally and professionally!

Keep your mind open.  Just because you’re right about something doesn’t mean there aren’t other ways to look at it.  Listening to ideas you don’t agree with or understand keeps your brain active and healthy.  It also gives you a wider perspective in understanding, teaming up and collaborating with others!

Speak through you actions.  You’ll always hear people say “I had that idea,” every time you see someone create something great.  Everyone had the idea for Facebook first.  The reason Mark Zuckerberg got rich off  of it is because he went out and did it while everyone else was talking about it.  Ideas are useless if you don’t act upon them.
Also, remember the saying, “Actions speak louder than words?”  It’s true.  Actions are where you prove your credibility!

Life is awesome!  Live it to the fullest!

Ride every stride…with HorsePower!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Self-Motivation Skills and Secrets…with HorsePower! Self-Motivating Tips to Achieve Your Vision!

You are the captain of your ship!
You control the reins for your success!
You have the vision of where you want to go and what you want to achieve!

Here are some tips and strategies that will help you actualize your vision, goals and tremendous, untapped potential!

Control the Reins!
·       Start simple.  Keep motivators around you – people and things that will give you that initial spark and support to get you going and keep the momentum up! Surround yourself with positive and motivated people – those that will support you and your vision!

·       Be willing to leave your comfort zone.   Your comfort zone is your worst enemy and greatest barrier to your achieving success!  Great things will happen when you make friends with your “discomfort zone”…make it your new normal!

·       Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.  Wisdom comes from making millions of mistakes!

·       Change is going to happen! Be prepared to sacrifice who you are for who you are capable of becoming!

·       Only think empowering, expansive, “ridiculously amazing” thoughts! Never indulge in self-limiting thinking. It’s not for you!

·       Keep learning!  Read, listen to inspiring tapes and take in everything you can! The more you learn…the more confident you become!  Spend at least one hour a day in self-development!

·       Train yourself to finish what you start.  Don’t let yourself become scattered when trying to accomplish a task. Finish one task before you begin another.

·       Never quit!  When you experience a setback or frustration – plow through it!  Success could be just around the corner!

·       Stay positive.  See the good in the bad.  When encountering obstacles, you want to be in the habit of finding what works to get over them.  That way, no matter what happens, you’ll always come out on top!

·       Sometimes, you just have to stop thinking!  Just do.  Just get going…and you’ll develop the momentum you’ll need.  Its like “muscle memory” for the brain.  It will kick in!  Just do it! (Thanks Nike!)

·       Know yourself!  Keep notes and think back when your motivation sucked and when you’ve felt like a superstar!  You’ll see a pattern that, once you are aware of it, you can work around and develop.

·       Be your own best coach!  Keep track of your progress!  When you see yourself growing – nurture you!

·       Live fully in the present moment.  When you live in the past or the future you can’t make things happen in the present! The real tragedy in life is not how much we suffer… but rather in how much we miss….so don’t miss a thing!

·       Dare to dream big dreams! 

What’s going to happen here is you will gradually develop certain skills that will become motivational habits! The cycle and momentum (HorsePower!) will continue, and you’ll be an incredibly self-motivated person who will consistently achieve your vision and goals! 

Remember, your potential is awesome!

Ride every stride…with HorsePower!
