Tuesday, October 23, 2012

It’s Time to Get Human Again!

Success and Achievement in a new and exciting program!

Betti Coffey Presents “Communicating with HorsePower”… “It’s time to get human again”!

Wake up and take the reins!

The pendulum is moving in the other direction!  It’s time to pay attention and invest in your strongest and most valuable assets – your people!

Due to economic, government and social issues the last few years - to survive, many companies moved, reduced or eliminated employee training programs, human resource development initiatives and employee recognition programs.
Structural realignments, reduction in force and job eliminations became commonplace.  Many companies let go very talented, knowledgeable people - the resources that possessed the intellectual capital, experience and knowledge necessary to run operations and customer support.

Now we’re moving in the other direction and as the economy strengthens and becomes more competitive, it’s imperative that businesses retain good, talented people!   Business results are tied to the quality of their human resources!  Your teams provide the edge to increased customer satisfaction, expanding market share and building corporate value!

“Communicating with HorsePower” can be a powerful program to motivate and energize your teams and resources!  By utilizing this unique program you strengthen your team’s interpersonal skills and create a momentum of positive customer service to realize solid customer relationships!  Your team’s confidence and attitude levels will increase – as will their efficiency and effectiveness!  Your leadership and management teams will be better able to act as persuasive communicators, creative problem solvers and focused leaders!  They will be empowered to initiate new ideas and programs with confidence and enthusiasm.

“Communicating with HorsePower “takes people out of their comfort zones so they can reach for and attain ambitious goals!  Does the “Communicating with HorsePower” experience make a difference?  Our customers overwhelming say YES!

You’ll see those improved results as you stretch your abilities, tackle complex challenges, breakdown boundaries and generate more ideas…excelling as confident consensus builders!

Improve personal and organizational alignment, open lines of communication and build better relationships with colleagues, suppliers and customers….that’s what will improve your bottom line…and you’ll do it with HorsePower!www.betticoffeypresents.com

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