Effective Communication Skills
Effective communication skills are key in every facet of our lives! The better communicator you are – the more successful you’ll be in connecting with people!
Our presence, thoughts, voice, actions and body language are constantly sending messages to others and how that’s interpreted determines our effectiveness and success – personally and professionally.
Betti’s insightful and entertaining communication skills presentation will make you think the next time before you say anything! You’ll learn specific skills to recognize and manage difficult personality styles, dramatically improve your listening and communication skills, and significantly improve interactions with others to build effective relationships!
The power of effective communication skills and connectivity is everything! Think about what, where, when, why and how you communicate! Today’s communications are complex and every connection counts! Learn that having the ability to communicate clear and concise messages and make a complex concept understandable to really connect and position your message. This will increase productivity and retention, improve attitudes and strengthen employee and customer relationships!
With the challenges of today’s mergers, cross-cultural workplaces and workforce generational differences - the importance of solid communication skills that brings people together productively is invaluable. Learn to resolve conflicts, better negotiate, build relationships and gain agreement with trust, credibility and loyalty! It’s all in what you say!
Do you know your behavioral style?
Learn behavior modification techniques and how to identify the messages you send and how they’re perceived. Betti will examine the challenges we face and show how we can better understand negative perceptions, learn how we “come across” with our customers, colleagues, friends and family and use this knowledge as a catalyst to improve our communication success! This session covers a lot of ground in improving communication skills and provides no- cost, easily implemented, proven solutions that you and your team can use right away!
Take the next steps to intentionally connect with anyone; anywhere and every time realize communication success!
For more Information, Call Today!