Friday, August 21, 2015

“Motivating the Unmotivated...with HorsePower!”

The driving force by which humans achieve their goals

I remember at a corporate meeting a few years back when the speaker said:
“A manager is not responsible for motivating the team…he can lead them…but a person’s motivation comes from within.”  I’ll let that sink in…..
Then think about the statement: “Motivation is a choice, not a symptom.”  So true.

Lately my audiences have been the managers of lots of young people – millennials – and the topic always comes up that their difficult to motivate and keep happy. Yep…it is true that these talented young people are wired differently and keeping them vibrant and enthusiastic is a special skill.  However, that frustrated manager has the opportunity to instill a very important lesson for their young professionals to learn for their careers and their personal lives … “Motivation is a choice, not a consequence.”

Everyone gets disappointed with something at work.  A new graduate might feel that they're not growing or learning from the job - that it’s taking too long to move up.  A middle manager might be fed up being “the cheese” between a demanding boss and team.  A senior manager might be frustrated with the lack of growth, results and overall resistance to change. An entrepreneur might be frustrated with their growth and demands from investors.  Maybe you dislike someone in the office or can’t stand your annoying boss. The scenarios can go on and on…

The important lesson is that becoming unmotivated because of whatever is frustrating you is a mistake! 
Motivation is a choice, not a consequence…you have a choice!

·      You can start taking control of your personal motivation by leaning into your work.  Be a positive contributor and team player who solves  issues!
·      When you get your hands dirty you learn more and that’s motivating!
·      If your contribution has solved a big problem the doors open for advancement!
·      Never, Ever burn bridges!  People you’ve worked with will remember you.  They might even become your clients!
·      Take charge of your future and career – don’t wait for someone else to give you a break!

Remember… You can’t light someone else’s fire… but you can create the conditions for that fire to burn brightly…with HorsePower!



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