Thursday, June 4, 2015

Four Key Energy Elements: Spiritual Energy

The Fourth Key Energy Element is Spiritual Energy.  Defining, reflecting upon, and regularly revisiting our core values and our larger purpose at work is a powerful source of energy and direction.  The challenge is that introspection requires quiet, uninterrupted time, an incredibly scarce commodity in today’s world.  

Few of us pause regularly to think about why we are doing what we are doing, where we are headed, or what consequences are likely to be.  Instead we spend our days feeling compelled to act, react and transact.

Did you know that 60% of employees feel their decisions at work are often more influenced by external demands rather than by a strong, clear sense of their own purpose?  Also, 58% of employees feel there are significant gaps between what they say is important in their life and how they actually live.

An organization is a human community that can realize its highest potential only when each individual is fully valued and feels fully vested in a shared purpose.  The better peoples needs are met, the better they feel and the better the organization functions as a whole.  A company that invests in its people across all dimensions of their lives and rallies them around an inspiring purpose is actually investing in itself.  

The impact of low spiritual energy causes lack of passion and commitment,
decreased commitment, and dramatically increases turnover!  

How are your employees feeling about their purpose at work?

#speaker #motivational #keynote #Texas #purpose 

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