Monday, March 30, 2015

Leadership, Rowing, and HorsePower!

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to work with the Creighton University Women’s Rowing Team for the 2nd year in a row! It was an honor to be with these intelligent, driven, motivated and invested young women!

Rowing is a tough sport! I got to be with them on the water and once again realized…
The team is up at 5:30 AM six days a week to practice.
They “row as one”, their incredibly proficient and as tough as nails!
The average race consists of 200-230 strokes and takes 7 minutes! 
Everyone has to do the same thing at the same time and the strokes must be absolutely consistent.  This takes complete concentration…and tremendous teamwork, leadership and communication!

Rowing is one of the best models of teamwork!  It’s the ultimate team sport!
In rowing you have the power of everyone in the boat and on this team everyone is both valued and part of something bigger.  The egos and personal agenda’s won’t work because if everyone were to follow their own paths…they’d be spinning in circles!

This year we really concentrated on “Emerging Leadership Skills” because the leadership opportunities in rowing are incredible – and will help prepare these young leaders for their future positions. 
An example….the coxswains job is to know what the teams needs are at any time.  To know where their heads are at and be able to channel that energy! They need to correct the course making small adjustments and movements – because changes in direction make a big impact!  And, most importantly, they need to have the respect and trust of their team to win!

In rowing there is a very unique communication…using non-verbal, unspoken interaction! It incorporates body language and tactile feel to “hear” how everyone is rowing -“hear” the balance -“hear” the synchronization!

Rowing is Dedication, Focus, Rhythm and Trust.  It’s consistency in discipline! Teamwork and Focus are critical!

HorsePower is “Riding Every Stride”!  Its sustained effort, focus, steadiness, work and consistency done over time that produces results!

Wow…Rowing and HorsePower…what a combination!

The powerful messages and lessons in teamwork, leadership and communication will have an impact on these talented young women!

HorsePower will help YOU stay the course toward achieving your goals and realizing success!
Give me a call today and let’s talk!

Ride every stride…with HorsePower!


#Keynote #Speaker #BettiCoffey #Leadership #Teamwork #Communication

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