Thursday, November 20, 2014

“Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone!

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone”….so go and make some magic happen…with HorsePower!

Everyone has a “comfort zone”…you know…that space where you live comfortably in your boundaries and your sense of emotional security is warm, cozy and safe.  Then there are those that constantly push and test the limits! You already know which of these traits lead to success and accomplishment!

Comfort zones have a purpose - they protect us. Not everyone needs to be jumping off cliffs or out of airplanes! Those zones keep us from taking on more stress and anxiety than we’re equipped to deal with. However, eventually, familiar routines will keep us from learning and experiencing new things that are potentially good for us! How do you know when your comfort zone is holding you back?  Are you noticing?

                  Excessive stress                                                                         Boredom - too comfortable
                  Self-criticism                                                                              Envy
                  Anxiety                                                                                          Excuses…lots of them!
                  Feeling stagnant - No motivation                                  Feeling Underutilized
Okay…maybe it’s time to stretch!  Think of something that will be challenging and provide stimulation! Something you’ve never done before! Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone is key…stagnation is the enemy!  Here are some ideas to stay in the “sweet spot of challenge” and keep a distance from the “dreaded comfort zone”:

·       Create a major goal requiring incremental ones!
·       Find a hobby with physical movement…and push yourself!
·       Learn a new skill… even if it’s tango dancing!
·       Brush your teeth while standing on one leg!
·       Get intentionally lost…find your way back using maps…no GPS!
·       Get creative!  Try an art class, karate, climb a mountain, test a new recipe – something NEW!
·       Change your routine!
·       Write a book!  Become a mentor!
·       Take an improve class!
·       Get over your intimidation – hang with people more successful than you – and network!
·       Hate eating tomatoes or fish as a kid?  Try them again!
·       Take a trapeze class!
·       Volunteer at a non-profit…do a good deed!
·      Live in prime time rather than watching prime time!

Contact me for some more ideas!  Remember… “Pressure is a privilege!”

Stay Hungry…and Live with HorsePower!


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