Saturday, May 30, 2015

Four Key Energy Elements: Mental Energy

Did you know 76% of employees spend too much of their time reacting to immediate demands rather than focusing on activities with longer-term leverage?  69% of employees have difficulty focusing on one thing at a time and are easily distracted during the day – especially by email

• Many people pride themselves on being great multi-taskers…this is actually        
  a misnomer!
• Human brains process information sequentially and cannot process two
  cognitive tasks at the same time. What their really doing is “task switching.
• This movement between tasks prompts significant costs!  It’s incredibly less

Impact of low mental energy:
  • Continuous partial attention increases completion time by 25% and errors by 30%
  • Short term reactive thinking drives narrow, shallow, and less nuanced results instead of creative problem solving, spotting trends, and higher level analysis.
  • Lack of boundaries and clear end points to work leads to burnout and turnover.
  • Increased distractions diminish feelings of accomplishment and job satisfaction.
Our attention is under siege! More information than ever is instantly available to us, and it is coming at us in more ways than ever. 

#speaker #professional #keynote #Dallas #change 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Four Key Energy Elements: Focus on the Physical

Physical Energy is one of the Four Key Energy Elements.

There are many issues that accompany low physical energy:

  • Fatigue leads to errors, lack of focus, susceptibility to illness, and a poor quality of emotion
  • Lack of exercise leads to increased production of stress hormones, anxiety, and difficulty focusing (particularly late in the day)
  • Working continuously burns down glucose and oxygen, extending tasks completion time and increasing errors
How does this translate at work?

  • 58% of employees don’t take regular breaks during the day to renew and recharge
  • 59% of employees don’t regularly get 7-8 hours of sleep and/or often wake up feeling tired

What about sleep?

  • No single behavior more fundamentally influences effectiveness during waking life than sleep!
  • More than 95% of us need at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night in order to feel rested
When it comes to productivity, its not the number of hours employees work that determines the value they produce, but rather the quantity, quality and focus of energy they bring to the hours they work!

#professionalspeaker #Energy #change #keynote #speaker 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

How effectively do you manage your personal energy elements?

Through Communicating with HorsePower, I have developed the Four Key HorsePower Energy Elements, a guideline to Measuring Human Power!

Four Key Energy Elements

1. Physical - Health
2. Emotional - Happiness
3. Mental - Focus
4. Spiritual - Purpose

The way were working…isn’t working!
·      70% of American Employees are disengaged at work!
·      Just 30% of American Employees feel engaged at work!
·      Across 142 countries only 13% of employees are engaged!

Employees are more satisfied and productive when 4 of their core needs are met!

Physical – opportunities to regularly renew and recharge at work
Emotional – by feeling valued and appreciated for their contribution
Mental – when they have the opportunity to focus on important tasks
Spiritual – doing more of what they do best and enjoy most feeling connected to a higher purpose at work

How effectively do you manage your personal energy elements?

#speaker #professional #energy #keynote #dallas #purpose