Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Making it Count… 2,500,000,000 Heartbeats in a Lifetime!

Did you know that there are 2,500,000,000 heartbeats in a lifetime!  
Are you making them count?

How are your 2015 goals, visions and aspirations coming along? Don’t abandon your New Year’s resolutions and objectives!

One mark of high achievers is goal-setting.  All of the successful people I know that set goals and shoot for them… eventually hit their target! You might already be working on your list of goals – increasing your revenue, launching a new project or starting a new business. That’s great!  Go for it!  But remember not to neglect the areas you’ll regret the most if you fail to give them attention. You’ve only got 2,500,000,000 heartbeats!

You’ve all heard the story of the person on their deathbed.  When asked what they regretted the most - it’s not having spent more time away from work.  Sometimes the distinction between work time and personal time gets fuzzy!

What if 2015 could be your best year ever…and your most balanced year?
You can achieve success AND still have quality time and experiences with your family, social life and take care of your health! You can make 2015 your best year ever – not just in your career, but also your everyday life!

Make sure your goals encompass everything that’s important to you.  Make every 2,500,000,000 heartbeat count!

Don’t waste the best moments of your life ignoring the best things in your life!

Live with intentional HorsePower and you can achieve success both personally and professionally!
The unique “Communicating with HorsePower” programs will help you think differently and grow towards achieving improved communication, leadership, teamwork, emotional intelligence and improve your relationships and personal development. 

Give me a call and let’s talk!   

Remember… “Ride every stride…with HorsePower!”

Happy New Year…I wish you the best of success!


Click Here To Watch My Video

#Change #Goals #Speaker #BettiCoffey #HorsePower #Communication #Keynote